Haddo Arts Festival 2019

Haddo Arts Festival 2019

The Trust had pleasure supporting the Haddo Arts Festival, which offered a varied and lively programme of music, art and poetry at Haddo House.

Highlights included a visit by the Scottish Makar, Jackie Kay, who gave readings to 260 local schoolchildren, and the first ever Festival concert in St Machar's Cathedral. Over 30 artists exhibited in the Connections show mounted in the South Wing.
Song for Haddo saw over 100 primary school children combine with an orchestra of secondary school children and professionals from McOpera Ensemble to perform songs by Moira Morrison and Peter Kemp.

Photos by Simon M Scott for Haddo Arts - www.simonmscott.com

Haddo Arts - www.haddoarts.com


To leave a donation, or find out more about the trust, please contact:

Mrs Margaret Frank,
5 Disblair Road,
AB21 0PU

Email: davidjunegordonmemorialtrust@gmail.com

Supported Groups: The Arts

Aberdeen Art Gallery; Aberdeen Chamber Orchestra; Aberdeen Gilbert and Sullivan Society; Aberdeen International Youth Festival; Aberdeen Sinfonietta; Big Noise (Torry); Children’s Classic Concerts; Dee and Don Ceilidh; Fleeman; Garidge Theatre; Grampian Youth Orchestra; Haddo Arts Festival; Haddo House Choral and Operatic Society; Inverurie Music; Magnetic North; National Theatre of Scotland; National Youth Orchestra of Scotland; North East of Scotland Music School; Opera Bohemia; Royal Scottish National Orchestra; Scottish Ballet; Scottish Chamber Orchestra; Scottish Dance Theatre; Scottish Ensemble; Scottish Opera; Scrapers and Tooters; Shazam Theatre Company; Sound Festival;

Supported Groups: Charitable Youth and Community Centres

Aberdeen Cyrenians; Belhelvie Community Trust; Cromar Future Project; Drop In (Aboyne); Elgin Youth Development Group; Formartine Youth Project; Gordon Riding for the Disabled; Hearts and Minds; Hopscotch; Inchgarth Community Centre; Kayleigh’s Wee Stars; Logie Coldstone Trust; Maryculter Riding for the Disabled; Maryculter Woodland Trust; Midmar Hall; Monymusk Play Park; NSPCC Childline; Poppy Scotland; Red Cross; Robert Gordon University Foundation; Salvation Army; Sea Scouts; Tarland Bee Group; Teapot Trust; Udny Green Hall

Supported Groups: Ecumenical Christian

Belhelvie Parish Church; Haddo House Chapel; New Community Church (Inverurie); St Andrew’s Cathedral (Aberdeen)